Monday, August 17, 2009

Tiiiimmmeee Drrraaagggsss Onnnnnnnnn......

I'm still over two months out from my trip and the time seems to be dragging on. I don't know exactly what I'm expecting or why I'm so ready to go, I just know that Swaziland is where I want to be. I'm sure the 10 days I am there will go by so fast. I wonder if I'll be sitting here on my couch wishing I was there as soon as I'm back? Or maybe I'll be really grateful to be back at home. Hmmm... I guess we'll see!

Since I last posted, my friend Gloria has been to Swaziland and back. I've gotten to know Gloria and another family at my church because we are all connected to Swaziland, originally totally separately, but in the past few months we've shared stories and the fire God's put in us for his people there. Literally, none of us had ever met as of a few months ago. Seems to me like God's got a plan for our the people of our church and Swaziland. I don't think he grows something in the hearts of several different people and then unites them for no reason. I'm curious to see what's in store... another reason I'm so excited for October to get here!

As many pictures as I've seen from Gloria and others, I feel like I've already been there! It's a strange thing. I've never felt like there was a home away from home that I have not even been to yet (except heaven, of course), but I feel a true sense of connection to Swaziland. I often think of the kids there as my brothers and sisters, not in some metaphoric philosophizing kind of way, but with a true connection in my heart that aches for them and smiles for them and wants all for them that I want for my own little brother. God really has changed me through these people I have not even met yet. To well up with tears just thinking about the people of Swaziland is not something that would've ever happened this time last year. I'm glad He's broken me down like this. It's scary and vulnerable, but good.

Trying to remember: Colossians 1:10-11

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